Join the Creative Ecosystem community to nurture your own creative wellbeing

If you’ve fallen out of love with what used to excite and drive you. If you end each day feeling drained and exhausted. And if you’re feeling stuck without motivation or clarity on how to get unstuck, your Creative Ecosystem might be out of alignment.

Too often, creatives focus solely on their Output, forgetting to nurture their creative Input. From Emmi’s own personal experience, this is a fast route to burnout. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed right now, you’re certainly not alone. In a recent study from 79% of respondents (in a survey of 17,000 people across 26 countries) said that they “feel at or beyond workload capacity”*. 

The Creative Ecosystem community is here to provide support, resources and inspiration to help you find a balanced, sustained, creative life.

“You've really inspired me to make a big effort this year to spend more time thinking and learning and less time 'doing' - which in my case often ends up with me sitting at my computer because I feel like that means working!”

Talk Attendee

How Creative Ecosystem can benefit you

Reconnect with purpose

Build resilience 

Reinvigorate creative energy

Reduce stress

Nourish inspiration

Emmi helps individuals and teams get back into their flow by bringing them on a journey to uncover the processes, practices, and rituals that fuel their creative energy across all areas of their lives. 

Who we have worked with:

How you can engage with us as an individual

1– TALKS &

Inspiring online and in-person events, build around the Creative Ecosystem Input areas. Run or curated by Emmi


Special programmes have included a retreat day and one-off programmes with creative collaborators 

Regular content, resources and inspiration on Emmi’s feed


A bi-monthly newsletter full of inspiration and practices to nurture your creative energy 



Talk & workshop
The Design Conference
5–7 June 2024

The Design Conference, one of the most anticipated design events in Australia, is underpinned by collaborations that are focused on delivering a better, more healthy tomorrow for everyone. 

Using design thinking as a tool, Emmi demonstrates how you can best use your existing resources to maintain your creative well-being. Grounded in scientific research, Emmi’s inspiring Talk and Workshop will help you reinvigorate creative energy, foster resilience and achieve a more balanced work-life dynamic.

“Wow! Great workshop. I really didn’t know what to expect and it exceeded my plan for the day! Lots of sound advice from experience, research and very open to listening to others.”

All Flows Workshop Attendee